Mornington Peninsula Wildlife Project

The Mornington Peninsula Wildlife Project (MPWP) is
an exciting new concept developed by Chris and
Sam Symons from their Funky Farm, a unique wildlife
sanctuary based at Hastings on the Mornington
Peninsula in Victoria. Chris and Sam have developed
the MPWP area on a dedicated 2.5 acres of their 10-
acre property, allowing MPWP programs to be held
in a welcoming and safe environment for both
animals and participants. Commencing June 2023,
the MPWP programs will offer a vastly different
experience than those provided by Funky Farm.

MPWP programs will be dedicated to offering 12-week Pathway Programs specifically
designed for special needs teenagers and adults.
About the Programs:
• Held one day per week over 12 consecutive weeks in three hour blocks from 9am - 12pm with a dedicated client/staff ratio of 3 to 1.
• A simple client application will guide the MPWP team so each participant will be
carefully allocated to a group with eight others of similar age and capabilities.
• Each program will be tailored to best fit the participant, the aim being
to develop that person’s general and specific life skills.
• It’s anticipated some participants will develop confidence and skills that will assist them finding a role within the mainstream workforce if that is their wish.
• Each group will be allocated a project at the commencement of the
12-week program. Projects might include animal training and animal husbandry, as well as specific tasks such as enclosure and surrounds planning, development and
MPWP’s programs will provide a positive and inclusive environment, with specific “one on one” guidance available. As participants skills and confidence increase, so too will positive social behaviours and interactions.
Minimum age is 11